Home Automation

Automated door locks can be very difficult to break into. If you end up purchasing one, you will be able to lock your door from your cellular device. You will also have a pin that allows you to unlock the door. We can fit the lock to your current key

We can provide you with a smart thermostat. This thermostat can be controlled from your cellular device and your main alarm panel. You can set the temperature of your home from the palm of your hand.

Interested in controlling your lights without moving? We can provide you with a light module that allows you to control your household lights from your cellular device. You can also control whether standard home appliances are on or off.

Keep your home lit for decades with the 30 year light bulb. This new bulb allows you to remotely control your lights via your smart device!

We also offer water detection modules that allow you to keep an eye on your home’s water supply.

Tired of losing your garage door opener? With our garage door module you will be able to open and close your garage door with your phone.